Thursday, 15 November 2012

A great tip for getting your foot in the door in the arts

I'm trying to ease myself in gently with this blog, so lets start with the basics! The arts industry often has a glamorous reputation. Exciting shows, star performers, big venues, bigger parties. The fact is, like a lot of other things, it is also hard work.

Many people working in arts management have found their way to the top by starting at the bottom, but there seems to be an increasing number of arts management university graduates who are hoping their qualifications will fast track them into plum roles in the industry.

The reality is that no qualification in arts management is going to get your foot in the door if you have no relevant work experience. Personally, I studied for my Masters degree while I was already working in the industry. This meant that not only was my employer getting an increasingly skilled employee, but I was also able to use problems at work as case studies (and get help in solving them!).

In the arts there is a real chicken and egg situation regarding getting work when you haven't done any work (even as a graduate). However, there is a way around this, in my home city of Melbourne at least. Melbourne is home to scores of festivals and hundreds of arts venues. Many of them have volunteer opportunities which should not be underestimated for their potential to help you get your foot in the door. Festivals are good because they only run for a couple of weeks at most, so you're not signing your life away to work for nothing indefinitely. And, you generally get to see a heap of free shows, so there are some advantages too.

The sort of skills you are likely to learn include front of house, box office and ticketing, event management and marketing.

I know several people who have gone on to get paid employment with organisations they have previously volunteered for – even someone who ended up as a General Manager for one of these festivals.

My top three tips for the best festival volunteer programs in Melbourne are:  

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